On Friday the 14th of June we left Singapore for New Zealand. We arrived in Changi airport at around 9.00pm; Dad dropped us off then went took the car back to the house. We checked in then looked around the shops while waiting for Dad to return.
When he got back we went to get a quick drink before we got on the plane. After we had finished our drinks, dad looked at the clock and found out the gate to our plane was closing, so we rushed through the airport trying to find our gate, we found it and were just in time before the gate closed.
When we were in the air I put my TV on and watched a movie called ‘Wild Hogs’ the film was really funny and I enjoyed it. As soon as the film finished I fell asleep for the rest of the flight.
10 hours later we arrived in Auckland. When we went outside the airport (to collect the car we rented) it was bitter cold! As soon as I got in the car it started to heat up and I fell asleep again, I was so tired!
We arrived at the apartment we were staying in, it was lovely. The covers on our bed were electric ones which meant they were heated when you plugged them in! When I got in the bed it was so nice and warm that I wanted to stay in it.
The next day we went out to buy some food from the supermarket, my parents brought back a fruit called Rhubarb, they let me try some and it was so delicious I wanted more, so my parents let me have some with some custard and it was delicious!
On Sunday the 17th of June we went to the Vector Arena to listen to the Dalai Lama talk about love and compassion. The Dalai Lama is the spiritual leader of Tibet.
When he talked he often made everyone laugh, he was a very happy man and everyone was so excited to meet him. There were over 10,000 people in the arena!
Vector arena is a huge stadium where lots of different bands play. In a few weeks time Guns and Roses and Gwen Stefani will be playing on that stage and I really want to go, but the tickets are too expensive, so I am really annoyed! Hardly any good bands come to Singapore.

The plane was very different to any other plane I had been on because it was tiny, it only held 19 passengers! We flew over seas and mountains.
When we arrived at Nelson airport my mum, Lucinda and I explored the airport to find out a bit about where we were, while my dad went to rent a car.
We then went to find a cottage to stay in. We found somewhere to stay but we had to go up a very narrow mountain road to get to it and my mum started to get really scared, so we didn’t stay there. Instead we drove out of Nelson to Golden Bay. The journey was really long and when we arrived there it was pitch black and very late!

We did see some seals out at sea but sadly we did not see any Penguins, we did see there tracks in the sand though.

Photographs from the top:
- Plane at Nelson airport
- Two of the three cottages at Adrft
- View from our window
- Private beach at Adrift